The privacy sandbox and what media owners can do to tackle targeting
Date & Time
Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 10:00 AM - 10:20 AM
Paola Colombo Mary Ann Halford

The privacy sandbox introduced by Google’s Chrome team, aims to address the challenges posed by a cookie-free future while prioritising user privacy. However, its implementation raises several critical business concerns, namely that it doesn't intend to provide direct replacements for cookies and identifiers, instead focused on user behaviour across topics and audience segments. Its rollout presents challenges that require careful navigation and adaptation by industry stakeholders, and in this session we'll hear a view on CTV targeting in this new world and how media owners are bringing some of the best capabilities of digital into the brand-safe, big screen environment. We'll hear about ‘mass reach targeting’ across broadcast and digital, the opportunities for media owners to match their registered user data on advertiser first-party-data, plus opportunities for media owners to match first-party data to search data (categorised by frequency and intent) so that advertisers can engage audiences who are in market and actively searching for products and services.

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