Panel: The great Australian TV measurement debate
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 3:05 PM - 3:40 PM
Mark Frain Arvind Hickman

With so much TV fragmentation and new inventory, and a connected TV space that is less homogenous and consistent (in environment) than linear, what do buyers need most to help them understand their pathways to audiences and where to invest their streaming budgets? Who will provide the measurement framework for the total video market that stretches far beyond the boundaries of Total TV (linear plus BVOD)? What planning and measurement innovations will help in this task? Should the market accept any ‘settlement’ where Total TV and total video exist as parallel measurement/currency universes? Is there sufficient ‘equivalence’ (in quality, attention, effectiveness) to unify linear, BVOD, SVOD, AVOD and FAST – and what about ‘Fit-for-TV’ or indeed other content on video sharing platforms? If ‘the market’ fails to produce an ‘everyone welcome’ total video measurement solution, will Australian brands need to create an ‘Origin-Lite’?

Location Name
Stage 1
Full Address
The Fullerton Hotel
1 Martin Place
Sydney NSW 2000