Panel & Open Forum: The barriers to buying streaming TV, and how we eliminate them
Date & Time
Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 1:50 PM - 2:30 PM
Christina Summers Moira Gilderson Julie Spina Jon Watts Wade Kuiken-Rogers Robert Allan

We want to know why ad budget does not always follow audiences directly into streaming TV, including when viewers have migrated from linear. This discussion encompasses the whole premium streaming ecosystem, including SAVOD, AVOD, FAST and BVOD, and we encourage full audience participation. With full understanding that these barriers are not universal to all streaming service categories, we tackle the list of challenges that different media buyers shared with us. Our trigger words/phrases include price, budget commitments, audience scale, log-in authentications (or lack of), targeting granularity, measurement, audience profile, content quality, soft economy, proving incrementality, proving ROI, and holistic campaign optimisation. Wherever there is a barrier to buying, we seek solutions, and look towards best practice wherever it is found.