Panel: The buyside view on replacing lost linear reach
Date & Time
Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 10:20 AM - 11:00 AM
Sarah Thompson Lindsey Talbot Melissa Kotsopoulos Tracy Ball Spencer Charters Christopher McBride

We are asking leading media buyers to discuss: The appetite among buyers for video sharing platforms or social media as a way to replace lost linear reach; The extent to which BVOD, SAVOD, AVOD and FAST are viewed as the linear reach replacement solution; Why clients might baulk at investing in the growing variety of ad-supported streaming TV services that appear to have audiences, and how the TV industry can persuade them to spend; The joys and disappointments of SAVOD, and the minimum measurement expectations to attract budget beyond this year; What Canadian TV production and distribution gives a CMO that they would lose if this market was dominated by U.S. media; A wish-list to help buyers drive reach, effectiveness and efficiency over the next two years.

Location Name
Concert Hall
Full Address
The Carlu
444 Yonge Street
Toronto ON M5B 2H4