Panel: Avoiding streaming-on-streaming audience duplication
Date & Time
Wednesday, December 6, 2023, 12:30 PM - 1:10 PM
Ed Wale Paul Gubbins Martyn Bentley Catherine Lofthouse

• The premium streaming market now includes BVOD, YouTube, AVOD, FAST, SVOD-with-ads and others – are we happy that we can successfully de-duplicate these audiences from linear broadcast TV? • To what extent are buyers trying to de-duplicate the different ‘channels’ that make up the streaming portion of the Total TV plan, and how easy is this today (e.g., de-duplicating BVOD from FAST, or YouTube from ‘CTV’, etc?) • What measurement and planning innovations will help us find unique reach from additional streaming partners, and demonstrate what each streamer contributes, and optimise for incrementality in real-time? • If a ‘publisher’ of quality long-form content uses YouTube for distribution, is there any reason to buy publisher YouTube inventory directly while also making general YouTube buys, given the potential for audience duplication? • Is there a plateau today where the cost of each incremental streaming viewer becomes prohibitive; If there is a streaming reach plateau, how low/high is the threshold; Where would ad dollars go if such a plateau is reached? • How can programmatic and/or AI help us find pockets of incremental reach, and audience bargains, and achieve cost-effective incremental reach and frequency generally, in the premium streaming space?

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Hall One
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London N1 9AG
United Kingdom