1440-1450 (10 mins)
Retail media: The current landscape and opportunity
This year, global retail media investment is predicted to hit $121.9bn. There are 70+ retail media networks (RMNs) that have set up shop, and a wide range of formats and channels (from social commerce, marketplaces, off-site data and sponsored product ads). In this session, we will hear insights on the current market. What is the difference between commerce, retail, and shopper media? What role will retail media play in the future of advertising? Where are the untapped opportunities in retail media and how will the digital commerce ecosystem develop?
Presenter: David Fieldhouse, Head of Commerce, GroupM
1450-1510 (20 mins)
Picking Premium: Is the medium still the message?
It’s been sixty years since Canadian communication theorist Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase, ‘The medium is the message’. Today, and with the proliferation of digital technologies and social media platforms, this relationship has become even more complex – yet arguably never so relevant. This discussion will focus on how agencies and brands can assess and define channels for campaign planning, and how premium media choices can be best flexed to deliver positive brand outcomes.
Speakers: Paul Knight, CEO, OmniGOV @ Manning Gottlieb OMD; Craig Tuck, Chief Revenue Officer, Ozone
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