Grace Letley, iProspect
Karen Stacey, DCM
Venya Wijegoonewardene, Brainlabs
Tom Hallett, Sky

In this panel, we take a close look at what drives effective brands in today’s always-on environment, and whether the anchors for brand-building and performance marketing are changing over time or remain steadfast. We will ask what is driving effectiveness today out of creative, reach, brand, targeting, recency, context, etc, and sentiment among brands to the various levers. - What is driving effectiveness today out of creative, reach, brand, targeting, recency, context, etc, and which factors are becoming more or less influential? - As the dust settles on the data-driven and audience-focused planning revolution, how important it is to refocus on creative and context? - What have we learned about the effectiveness of different environments and whether all channels are equal for creating emotion and impact? - What kinds of creative or format can drive brand-building and performance objectives from the same advertisement? - How must different ‘inputs’ be used based on category or product, time-in-market, brand health and budget, etc.? - What impact do new measurement solutions like attention have on creative effectiveness? - Will a recession accelerate or slow effectiveness – and what brands will win? - What kind of creative, sentiment and messaging works best in a recession?