đź”’ The reckoning: Growth in 2023
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 25, 2023, 2:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Rocco Strauss

Since 2000, Arete has helped 250 of the world’s most sophisticated tech investors better understand global tech, and what they are investing in, free from damaging conflicts of interest. Rocco has spent almost a decade explaining the complexities of ad tech, DSPs, SSPs, IDs, etc. to investors, regulators, and often to the companies themselves. In this session we will hear about the macro factors weighing on consumers’ spending power, opposing Wall Street and Main Street expectations, looking at demand destruction and demand deferral, the non-cyclical ad growth segments (CTV, Retail Media), and a few more issues (spin-out of Google’s Network business, avoiding the ad-tech tax, further ID deprecation, etc.), to provide a view on ad growth in 2023.

Location Name
The Library
2023 Sessions