Full Name
Tom Ridges
Job Title
Speaker Bio
My fascination with human influence started after I got off the metro in Paris with my fiancé (now wife!) and was looking for something good to eat (I didn’t want to waste a meal slot on a bad one!).
When I looked at all the review apps, there were what felt like 100 restaurants with five stars in my immediate vicinity. Confusion entailed. This started me on a windy path on recommendations, word-of-mouth and influence that culminated in me founding Herdify.
The best word-of-mouth recommendation I’ve ever received: Funnily enough, it’s food related from the same trip. We were told about a little restaurant and arrived early as advised. It looked run down and was in a weird neighbourhood, but as locals in Porsches and other luxury cars started arriving, we thought we might be in for something special. We were. It still sits as one of my top five meals in my life.
When I’m not Herdify-ing I’m fathering, mountain biking, windsurfing or on the BBQ, generally trying to spend as much time outside as possible.
Tom Ridges