• Entries open - Monday 2 September 2024
• Deadline – 17.00, Wednesday 9 October 2024
• Late entry deadline – 17.00, Wednesday 16 October 2024
• Shortlist announcement – Thursday 7 January 2025
• Awards lunch – Wednesday 5 March 2025

Standard entry: £249 +VAT   I   Extended deadline entry: £299 +VAT

You can pay the entry fee via credit card or by invoice. Once you have submitted your entry you will receive an email from the team to confirm your submission has been received and to arrange payment. To ensure your submission is included in the judging process, please ensure swift payment.

Please note entries will not be accepted after the closing deadline and you will not be able to edit your entry once submitted.

The qualifying period for the awards is research that was delivered to the client between 1st September 2023 and 31st August 2024, unless otherwise stated.

All entries will remain confidential and be viewed by the judges only. Winning entries will be shared on the Connected website with sensitive material removed as agreed by the entrants.

Winners will be announced at an Awards lunch on Wednesday 5 March 2025 at The Banking Hall, London. Under no circumstances will winning details be disclosed before that time.