Integrating agencies seamlessly into the core of our DNA...
The Agency Premium Partnership truly offers the first-class experience across everything we do at the Media Leader and Adwanted Events.
Exclusively for UK media agencies, this partnership from The Media Leader and Adwanted Events offers a unique 12-month collaboration that integrates agencies into the DNA of everything we do across the year, and puts you at the very core of disruption, inclusion, courage, and excellence.
We recognise the importance media agencies have in shaping the industry, and that is why we have created a range of options that
firmly them at the heart of everything we do and to build on our promise of being 100% Media.
✓ The Future of TV Advertising Global
✓ The Future of Media London
✓ The Future of Media Manchester
✓ Connected TV World Summit
✓ The Future of Brands
✓ The Future of Video
✓ The Future of Audio & Entertainment
✓ Increased ticket allocation to all UK events for staff, clients and junior staff
✓ Flexibility – choose how many tickets to allocate per event plus option to split tickets for two-day events
✓ Guaranteed speaking slots and partnership status at selected UK events
✓ Published content in The Media Leader to promote key messages
✓ Plan your activity with us over a sustained period
✓ Harness and educate staff by sending your key talent to our events
✓ Additional tickets to host and gift passes to your clients
✓ Exposure at our events through branding and speaking opportunities
✓ Work with our editorial teams to ensure your key messages are delivered to the industry
This offer is exclusively for media agencies only