The Future of i is a brand created exclusively for The Future 100 Club where we celebrate innovation, inspiration and inclusion.

Over the next 12 months we will host a number of content initiatives under The Future of i brand, starting at The Future of Media London where we will host a 75-minute session as part of the agenda, with the majority of speaking slots being made up by members of The Future 100 Club.

This will include the Future 100 Manifesto which we launched last year (which you can find more details about by clicking here), plus we are also inviting members of the Class of 2023 to submit an idea of someone they would like to interview on stage, or why they should be interviewed themselves, with the subject of that interview focusing on one of the themes of innovation, inspiration or inclusion.

This 15-minute interview will form part of the 75-minute dedicated session, which will be open to all attendees of The Future of Media London, curated in partnership with you, The Future 100 Club.

How to submit your interview idea

  • Put together a session title and description of no more than 250-words which explains what the interview would be about and why it would be relevant for one of the themes of innovation, inspiration or inclusion
  • Please supply details of the person who you would interview (this needs to be someone that you know and would be able to confirm their availability to speak) or specify if it is you
  • Check that both you and/or the person you intend to interview would be free on Wednesday October 9 at 2.05pm
  • Submit your idea to by Friday September 6
  • The winner will be chosen by the Adwanted Events content team, with the winning entry being notified by Friday September 13