Tuesday 8 October, 2024

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

The conference will begin with an analyst who will set the scene, sharing updates on the changing media landscape, followed by a keynote speaker and a c-suite media leaders panel.

11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Across three 15 minute sessions, speakers will share how they are solving a problem or challenge common to media professionals. You will hear innovative approaches, and see the results, so you can take the learnings back to your desk. Focus areas are:
- Best in class planning, media channel selection and optimisation
- Connecting metrics across business, comms and media KPIs
- MMM, measurement, targeting, insights, data  
- Media trading, automated bidding, programmatic evolution

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Media is increasingly a business of 1s and 0s, of science and facts and maths. In this session, you can expect to hear about topics including data, consumer insights, behavioural science, measurement, context and targeting. Over an hour packed full of ideas about how you can make media decisions based on fact rather than fiction, you will take away practical insights that help you implement change in your role, as well as the bigger picture concepts that help inspire and generate new ideas.

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

In this session, we will explore technologies that will change the course of our industry and create advantages for the businesses that implement them. We'll look at the tech on the minds of businesses right now and how they will develop over time, such as AI and ML and how they are helping to create new solutions for businesses across the ecosystem. We'll also cover automation, contextual advertising post-ad signal loss and tools being designed for a privacy-first future, including CDPs, clean rooms, and identity solutions. 

3:45 PM - 4:45 PM

In this session, we'll ask what benefits new technology will have on efficiency, business and people, and whether the media industry is ready for change. We'll address shifting consumer behaviours and uncover the impact of macro trends on our businesses. Expect to find out about the innovative strategies, business models, and approaches that drive success, as we look for solutions that help our businesses thrive.

11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Do you have a question about how to enhance your media plan? An AV challenge you can't seem to solve? Wondering what new media innovation you should invest in? This is your opportunity to ask some of the brightest media minds your burning questions. Whether its campaign strategies, budget allocation, industry developments or something else, media leaders will answer your questions, offering practical guidance and sharing invaluable experience.

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Media planning involves a combination of creativity and data-driven decision-making. But we live in an increasingly numbers driven world, where the craft of comms planning is often left behind. Is this to the detriment of business outcomes? In this session, a panel will debate the levers you can pull to generate the most impact with your media campaigns and deliver results. After a short panel, the debate will open to the floor for audience perspectives.

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

The Media Plan is a feature on The Media Leader focused on unpacking the media choices behind advertising campaigns. Coming to the stage for the very first time live at The Future of Media, you will experience a series of quickfire case study presentations where brands and partners outline the decisions behind media channel selection and strategy, and share outcomes, to provide actionable insights you can take back to your desk. Every campaign is handpicked by The Media Leader editorial team based on its guiding principles of excellence, courage, innovation and there will also be time to ask questions, discuss and debate.