Support the Top 50 and become a Gamechanger

Supporting Top 50 Women Gamechangers is the perfect opportunity for your business to align with the four core values our nominees are judged on Disruption, Leadership, Vision and Innovation.


Our promise is to invest back a proportion of each sponsorship into initiatives that support, promote and celebrate the inaugural Top 50 Women Gamechangers, whether that is by gifting them free tickets to our conferences, creating platforms where they can have a voice across The Media Leader and Videonet, or hosting bespoke events that allow this group to come together to network and learn.



There are several ways you can get involved, from the entry level Supporting Partnership that allows you to show your support and align your brand with this incredible pool of TV talent, to more enhanced collaborations which includes working with our content team to identify how to engage The Top 50 WGC through key messaging at different points throughout the year. Partnerships include:

Our entry level partnership offers you branding on all activations that are associated with The Top 50 Women Gamechangers, including a logo monthly bulletin sent exclusively to our global TV and Video database of 17,000+.

Commission our content team to curate a piece of content around a relevant subject matter utilising key individuals from The Top 50 WGC. This could be anything from a round table debate to a webinar to a panel discussion on stage at one of our events.

Host all or selected members of The Top 50 WGC for an event at your offices or in the style of a Breakfast Briefing that we will help you organise and curate.

Be associated as the Headline Partner for The Top 50 Women Gamechangers for the duration of 12-months, including co-hosting the judging day on October 19, the prominent partner for the Top 50 Women Gamechangers announcement on October 31, and having first option to sponsor any invite-only networking event we organise at The Future of TV Advertising Global and The Connected TV World Summit.


Each partnership is uniquely designed to fit with your objectives, but ultimately it gives back and serves as a benefit to the Top 50 WGC, aiding them further on what will be a successful career path to the top.

For more information, please contact Katrina Coyne at